Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Collatz on x64-Ubuntu with ATI card

My home PC is almost unusable, it is so slow if I let the ATI card process data-units while I am trying to use it. I discovered by chance, that the problem only occurs with Collatz work units. DNetC does not suffer from the same problem. I have now set Collatz to "No New Work" on this machine.


  1. Snooze you GPU when you are using your computer.

  2. I did try that but it presents two problems. The first is that with my version of Boibc and my version of Ubuntu, the "snooze" function isn't immediate. It can take up to a minute of mouse and/or keyboard activity to register. The second problem is that Collatz doesn't always exit cleanly and I often get the old "Result exited with zero status but no 'finished' file" error.
    I have recently come to the conclusion that DNetC also gives a much higher credit/hour return than Collatz :-)
