I have seen a little ad on my Facebook page for a while for Intel's "P

rogress Through Processors" application in some sort of partnership with GridRepublic and decided to have a look at it due to my interest in volunteer computing. Well ... err, it's Boinc by a different name! I'm not sure what Intel is trying to do with this. I'm pretty sure Berkeley was the driving force behind this and not Intel?! This application has even created a different credit system of "G-hours" instead of "Cobblestones"
I currently have completed 734,242 G-hours for what it is worth...
They also seem to think I have an account with NanoHive, a project I have never signed up for.
I guess the up-side is that the projects will get a lot more "non-technical" crunchers signing up now that it is on Facebook but I give a "thumbs down" to Intel for trying to make it their own idea. Give credit where it is due!
I thought you may want to check out the press release from Intel about the Progress Thru Processors launch. http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/releases/20090803corp.htm for some more details on the PTP application.
ReplyDeleteGridRepublic is an account manager for BOINC and a non-profit working to bring volunteer computing to the mainstream. You can see on the main BOINC site http://boinc.berkeley.edu a link to GridRepublic. GR actually originated the account manger concept.
The PTP application seamlessly integrates with the GridRepublic website. Its more of an Intel sponsorship of the application than their "idea" as GridRepublic was developing a Facebook app for a long time before joining with Intel for a Facebook app. GridRepublic works in collaboration with the BOINC developers to bring Progress Thru Processors to Facebook.
Your NanoHive issue is interesting though.
Thanks for that Jonathan!