Wednesday, July 1, 2009

9800GT drags on...

I sent an email to the vendor that I bought this card from and he agreed that I could return it under warranty. I was planning to remove the 8600GT from my home computer and substitute it for the 9800GT while I waited for a replacement. In the two days it took to run down the work units on my home machine, I did some reading on a couple of the project forums and took note of comments by MarkJ and others that the NVidia Windows driver that performed best was the older 182.50 version. As I am approximately 4 days away from hitting my 2 million credit mark, I decided that it may be worth trying this before ripping the 9800GT out.
So far it has properly installed on the old Win2K machine (which none of the later versions do, they all miss out on dll's required for the control panel etc) and has returned 1 GPUGrid and about 6 SETI work units without a single failure.

As they say "If it seems too good to be true, it probably isn't!" ... but will wait and see how it goes. The next step is to try the recently found Galaxy software to under-clock the card a bit.

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