Saturday, June 6, 2009

QMC work units failing on Linux?

My new server is humming along beautifully, apart from a error in a webmin (remote web based admin) configuration module for clamav (anti-virus), all has been well this last week. I'm happy with the decision to go for Ubuntu instead of MS Small Business Server and have actually considered offering to build servers for Sydney clients as I believe there is a market out there.
The one issue that hasn't been resolved is that QMC work units crash most the time on this machine. I have installed the libc++ ver 5 library as well now and the problem still exists. The weird aspect is that this machine derives most its credit from Einstein which is also a 32-bit application (and that runs fine!). There are no QMC failures on my Windows machines. The work units that fail on the Linux machines also fail on other computers that receive them (both Windows and Linux) with "exit code 24 (0x18)" but are eventually completed after a couple of attempts. There does not seem to be much on the QMC forums that suggests other people are noticing this.
The one aspect I have noticed is that the problem is worse in the machines that are throttled via the BOINC setting. Unfortunately this is not the cause as the problem also occurs in an AMD X2 that runs at 100%. My current course of action is to install all the GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) libraries and see if that makes a difference as the QMC application does call "freeglut" according to the logs.

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