A few months ago, I was unhappy to discover that my heat-pipe cooled 9400GT GPU was no longer visible to BOINC and as a result was not processing data-units. I assumed (based on the trouble I have had with nVidia cards in the past) that the graphics card was to blame.
When trying to boot the Athlon X2 this morning, it couldn't see the hard-drive ... panic set in as the back-up drive was cannibalized for a server a few weeks back and as a result there is a huge collection of photos that were not backed up anywhere.
I then had a revelation that it may be the mother-board, so tried another hard-drive and that didn't auto-detect either.
I brought the original drive into the office this morning and thankfully it works fine on another machine (and has now been backed up!)
I ordered a JW motherboard from my usual supplier and as this has a Radon ATI chipset have decided to give that a try. I also ordered a 4550 to go in the PCI-E slot. I know this isn't the ultimate in high speed cards but it is dirt cheap and has a low power consumption which is important for a computer that must survive summers without air-conditioning.
The only problem now is that the X2 will not be crunching AQUA FP units until the parts arrive and I find the appropriate Ubuntu drivers (I'm hoping this will not be too much of an issue...)