Monday, November 23, 2009

Still alive and kicking ...

Despite all appearances, I am still crunching. Collatz and Milkyway haven't been giving out work on a reliable basis and due to temperatures in Sydney getting over 41'C over the weekend, the credit accumulation has been somewhat impaired. I have a trade show to attend this week, so I will spend some time getting the GPUs off Seti@Home next week.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Collatz Conjecture user of the day!

I am the Collatz user of the day for the 9th November :-)

Monday, November 2, 2009

3's 3G ... stable but S-L-O-W!

Due to the problems I have been having with Unwired and their lack of a consistent service, I got a 3G modem from 3.
It is far more stable than Unwired but the speed in Dee Why seems to get to a ripping 12Kb/s ... and thats it.

I did get an interesting comment from Jonathan about Intel's Progress through Processors and their relationship with GridRepublic. His comment is at the bottom of my Oct 24th post.

Karmic Koala cont...

I really don't think this is Ubuntu's best efforts, there are way too many bugs in the new release at this point. I am getting at least one crash per hour at the moment. They released an update over the weekend that seems to have sorted out the client side of Ubuntu One's cloud "thingy" ... but there is still lots more. The one that troubles me most is the ECC memory error from the kernel.